Take a walk

take a walk

take a walk
These past few weeks, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed. I’m still on the search for a job since graduation, as I’ve mentioned here before. It’s not good to feel this way. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been to this place where insecurity begins to take over. On the plus side, there are ways out.

Thankfully, I’m feeling better already. I’ve got the support of family and friends, my health, a place to lay my head and plenty of other things to be thankful for. I have to remember that good things come in time with hard work. I was reminded yesterday, not for the first time, that I just have to have faith.

Friends, family and faith are key for me, although sometimes I forget that.
take a walk
take a walk take a walk
take a walk

Honestly, I’ve never been much of an optimistic person. I’ve always thought of myself as a realist. I think practically. When I was young, I had to be reminded that not everything should be taken so literally. Maybe that’s why my best friends are such positive people. They keep me grounded. We balance each other out. But when I get down, I can go from being realistic to negative.

The thing is, I was hoping that by now I would have a full-time job, be saving up for things like a new computer and car, and be getting ready to move out of my family’s home. I had big goals a few months ago. I have to remind myself that the economy is hard now for everyone. Just because I haven’t reached all those things, doesn’t mean they aren’t attainable. I can’t give up. I don’t want to live with my family forever. Giving up isn’t an option.

Positive habits can help change my perspective in times like this. I wrote about what to do when you’re feeling down last January, but forgot to look at that list until now that I’m already feeling better. I just checked and everything on it still applies.

One habit I’m really trying to cultivate lately is to take a walk every day. If I walk my dogs Max and Penny while the sun is still out, then I’m accomplishing three things on the list. I get some sun, exercise and hang out with animals. When I took these photos above two weeks ago, I ticked three things off. I got sun, exercised and did something creative.

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or not, taking  at least 15 minutes out of your day to take a walk can be be very helpful. I encourage you to try it.

Also, reading this blog post by Patty on Barrett All and this one by Anna on In Honor of Design helped me feel even less alone and more encouraged to strive for what I want.

Positivity is a powerful thing. Hope is necessary. Love is beautiful.

P.S. Thanks for your encouraging comments on my latest fashion post. I’ll definitely do more in the future.


  1. Heather Avatar

    It’s definitely important to stay positive :) something will come along soon and everything happens for a reason!

    Heather x

    1. ecobrien Avatar

      Thanks, Heather! That’s what my sister keeps saying.

  2. Monique Muro (@MoniqueMuro) Avatar

    You’ll get there girl! You’re right to have faith, stick to it like super glu, it’ll get you through! :)

    1. ecobrien Avatar
  3. Patty Barrett (@PattyBarrett) Avatar

    I’m glad you’re focusing on positivity! It’s really, really tough and can make you feel so insecure – but I promise there is something amazing right around the corner. Focus on doing things you love and don’t just write cover letters or a resume that will appease the person/job you’re applying for – be yourself. Good luck!!

    1. ecobrien Avatar

      Thank you so much! I love this advice.

  4. helenveyna Avatar

    Hang in there, Erin! I definitely know how you’re feeling. I had the same thoughts after I graduated from college, and still do every once in a while when I don’t feel like I’m where I envisioned myself being at the age of 25. I think taking a walk is a great way to feel productive, and it also gives you a way to clear your head. I’m sending positive vibes your way!


    1. ecobrien Avatar

      Thanks Helen! It’s good to know I’m not the only one who feels/felt like this after college.

I would love to hear what you have to say. Leave me a comment and I’ll try to write back soon.

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